National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

MALKO Marina Sergeevna

MALKO Marina Sergeevna

Marina Sergeevna Malko Malko (date of birth – 10.05.1985, Gomel), biologist, ecologist, Ph. D. (2014).

She has scientific works on problems of ecology, botany, bryology, systematics and evolution of bryophytes, protection of flora and nature management. She determined species composition of forest ecosystems bryophytes of Belarus, as well as specially protected natural areas and territories of Belarus, revealed their taxonomic, biomorphological, ecological and phytogeographic structure, patterns of their zonal distribution, formation, and expected development characteristic. For the first time, she gave a complete forest typological characterization of bryocomponents in ecological rows with selection of typical species. She revealed and estimated the status of populations of rare and protected plant species. She developed action plans for their preservation. M.S. Malko is co-author of section “Bryophytes” of 4th edition of Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. She made forecast characteristic of ecological status of park ecosystems in Minsk Region. As participant of group of authors, she made the list and carried out a complex analysis of brio-apophytic fraction of Belarus Brioflora. She carried out an inventory of species composition of invasive species of vascular plants on the territory of national park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” with development of measures to minimize the negative impact of invasive species on natural complexes and indigenous species. She replenished and systematized (in accordance with the current bryological nomenclature) bryological collections of herbariums of V.F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of NAS of Belarus and of National Park “Braslavskie Ozera”. She developed the database “Bryobionta Herbarium” (included in State Register of Information Resources, registration certificate No. 1341505431 of 08.08.2015 and is used for maintaining the bryological herbarium).

M.S. Malko is the author of more than 85 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 2 reference works, 1 educational program and 20 acts of implementation in educational process and nature protection practice.

Laureate of Republic of Belarus President Grant for graduate students (2012) and talented young scientists (2017), laureate of Ministry of Education Grant for talented students named after M. Bogdanovich (2007-2009), laureate of the Republican student competition from Ministry of Education (2009, 2010), laureate of competition of Belarusian trade union of workers of NAS of Belarus among young scientists (2012), laureate of competition of scientific works of Institute of Experimental Botany of NAS of Belarus among young scientists (2014 , 2017).

The main works:

  1. G. F. Rykovsky, M. S. Sabeta, N. A. Arkhipenko, V. I. Parfenov. The biological diversity of the National Park "Braslav lakes": Bryophytes. – Minsk: the Belarusian house of press, 2012. – 263 p.
  2. M. S. Shabeta, G. F. Rykovsky Bryophyte diversity in the Belarus coniferous forests // Arctoa. – 2015. – Vol. 24. – P. 541–546.
  3. M. S. Sabeta, G. F. Rykovsky, V. I. Parfenov. Bryophytes of coniferous forests of Belarus. – Saarbrucken: Laplabert Academic Publishing, 2016. – 185 p.
  4. M. Shabeta. Biotechnological importance of sphagnum mosses // The EuroBiotech Journal, 2017. – Vol. 1. – ISSUE 2. – Р.1-2.