National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

KORZYUK Viktor Ivanovich

KORZYUK Viktor Ivanovich

Viktor Ivanovich Korzyuk (b. 04.04.1945, v. Petrashuntsy, Volozhin district, Minsk region), mathematician. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2014; corresponding member since 1996), Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (1994), Professor (1995). Honored Education Worker of the Republic of Belarus (1996).

Scientific research in the field of mathematical physics and partial differential equations. Performed research on the theory of boundary value problems for partial differential equations. On the basis of his proposed method of energy inequalities and averaging operators of variable pitch, new problems and classes of differential equations arising from the study of specific physical phenomena are investigated for solvability. He proposed a method for deriving energy inequalities for some classes of equations in proving theorems on the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the problems under consideration. Using this approach, he considered new problems regarding their solvability for a large class of differential equations, in particular: boundary problems with respect to a given field of directions of hyperbolic second-order equations; boundary problems for non-stationary equations in the case of non-cylindrical regions; mating tasks describing vibrations after impact; mating problems describing the diffusion of impurities into silicon, jointly divided flow of viscoelastic and viscous fluids in a pipe; problems of silicon autodoping with an admixture of a hidden layer. Conducts research in the field of microelectronics associated with ion implantation, as well as in the field of mathematical modeling.

Author of more than 200 scientific papers.

State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in 1996 for the cycle of works "Operator methods in differential equations".

Awarded with a medal.

Major papers:

  1. Энергетическое неравенство для граничной задачи гиперболического уравнения с волновым оператором третьего порядка // Дифференциальные уравнения. 1991. Т.27, №6.
  2. О слабом решении задачи типа Дирихле для линейного дифференциального уравнения третьего порядка // Дифференциальные уравнения. 1992. Т.28, №6.
  3. Метод энергетических неравенств и операторов осреднения // Вестник БГУ. Сер.1. 1996. №3.