National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

SHALYGO Nikolay Vladimirovich

Nikolay Vladimirovich Shalygo (b. 14.11.1950, v. Krasnoe, Ushachi district, Vitebsk region) - a scientist in the field of plant cell biophysics. Corresponding Member (2014), Doctor of Biological Sciences (2001).

Established subtle mechanisms for regulating the activity of the antioxidant defense system of a plant cell. He developed a theoretical basis for increasing plant resistance to photo-oxidative stress caused by excessive accumulation of endogenous porphyrins, as well as new efficient methods for selecting promising varieties of cereals with increased resistance to extreme environmental factors - soil drought, low-temperature stress and waterlogging. Co-author of a new variety of winter wheat Amelia. With his participation, an energy-saving technology of algae-based feed additive has been developed. Under his leadership, he created the only collection of living economically useful algae in the Republic of Belarus, in which there are strains producing unique antioxidants (phycocyanin and astaxanthin).

The author of 275 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 2 catalogs, 2 guidelines, 2 recommendations, 10 copyright certificates and patents.

Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2013) for the series of works “Chlorophyll biosynthesis system and photosynthetic apparatus as factors for increasing the sustainability and productivity of agricultural crops”.

Major papers:

  1. Биосинтез хлорофилла и фотодинамические процессы в растениях. Минск, 2004.
  2. Каталог генетического фонда хозяйственно полезных видов водорослей. Минск, 2011 (в соавт.).
  3. Dynamics of oxidative processes and antioxidant system action in barley leaves under soil drought // Barley: physical properties, genetic factors and environmental impacts on growth. N. Y., 2014 (в соавт.).