National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

BORISENKO Vasily Vasilyevich

BORISENKO Vasily Vasilyevich

Vasily Vasilyevich Borisenko (25.04.1904, Borisov, Minsk region – 26.07.1984), literary critic. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1969; Corresponding Member since 1957), Doctor of Philological Sciences (1956), Professor (1956). Honored Scientist of the BSSR (1974). Member of the Great Patriotic War.

The main scientific works are devoted to the theory and history of Belarusian literature, Belarusian textology. He explored the works of F. Bogushevich, Y. Kupala, Y. Kolas, Z. Byadulya, V. Dunin-Martsinkevich, P. Trus. Scientific editor and co-author of the “Gistoryia belaruskay savetskay litaratury” (v.1-2, 1964-66), “Gistoryia belaruskay dakastrychnitskay litaratury” (v.1-2, 1968-69), “Narysau pa gistoryi belaruskay litaratury” (1956). Co-author of the textbook and anthology "Belaruskaya litaratura" for the 8th grade (1959, 19 ed. 1978), compiler of the anthology "Belaruskaya litaratura: Dakastrychnitski peryyad" for pedagogical schools (1953), textbook "Rodnaya litaratura" for the 10th grade (1961), collection "Belaruskaya dakastrychnitskaya proza" (1965), "Belaruskaya dakastrychnitskaya paeziya" (1967).

Author of more than 70 scientific papers, incl. 2 monographs.

State Prize of the BSSR named after Y. Kolas in 1980 for taking part in the work on the 2-volume study "History of Belarusian pre-October literature" and "History of Belarusian Soviet literature" (1977).

Awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War of the II degree (1944), the Red Banner of Labor (1949), the Red Star (1944, 1945), and medals.

Major papers:

  1. Францiшак Багушэвiч i праблема рэалiзму ў беларускай лiтаратуры XIX стагоддзя. Мн.: Выд. АН БССР, 1957.
  2. Роля рускай класiчнай лiтаратуры ў развiццi рэалiзму беларускай лiтаратуры пачатку XX ст. Мн., 1963 (совм. с В.В. Ивашиным).