National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB Council of Young Scientists holds press conference “Youth in Science. Preparation for the 1st Eurasian Young Scientists Forum (YES Forum)”

On August 10, 2015 the National Press Centre of the Republic of Belarus hosted the press conference “Youth in Science. Preparing for the 1st Eurasian Young Scientists Forum (YES Forum)”. The event involved Dr. Andrei Ivanets, Chairman, NASB Council of Young Scientists, Head of Laboratory, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry; Dr. Alexei Trukhanov, Vice Chairman, NASB Council of Young Scientists, Lead Researcher, Scientific and Practical Centre for Materials Research; Dr. Alexander Shepshelev, Deputy Director General, Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, PhD in Engineering; Dr.Pavel Morozik, Senior Researcher, Institute of Genetics and Cytology; Dr. Pyotr Pekut’ko, Scientific Secretary, Institute of Economics, PhD in Economics.
As Dr. Ivanets said, the 1st Young Scientists Eurasian Forum will be hosted by NAS of Belarus from the 1st to 4th of December. It will become one of the major young scientists events organized in Belarus.