National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Meeting of Board of Sports and Tourism Ministry of the Republic of Belarus and Bureau of NASB Presidium takes place

On July 29, 2016 a meeting of the Board of Sports and Tourism Ministry of the Republic of Belarus and the Bureau of NASB Presidium took place in the NAS of Belarus. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov, Minister of Sport and Tourism Alexander Shamko, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Shumilin, scientists and representatives of the sports community. Within the board the issues of cooperation between the Ministry of Sports and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in attracting academic scientists to solve challenges facing athletes today were discussed. It is planned to address the following areas of collaboration: the development of new technologies for physiotherapy rehabilitation of athletes, neurophysiological analysis of an athlete in various states and sports exercises, development of new types of specialized food for athletes and others.

During the meeting the head of Sports and Tourism Ministry presented awards to NASB scientists. The Head of Department of medicinal substances at the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry Zoya Kuvaeva and the Head of the Laboratory of steroids chemistry at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Vladimir Khripach were awarded honorary diplomas. Senior researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology Pavel Morozik was awarded gratitude by Ministry of Sports.