National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Fifteenth International conference "The development of informatization and state system of scientific and technical information"(DISTI’2016) to be held in United Institute of Informatics Problems of NAS of Belarus

On November 17, 2016 at 10.00 the opening of the 15th International conference "The development of informatization and state system of scientific and technical information" (DISTI’2016) will take place in the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NAS of Belarus (Minsk, 6 Surganov Street). The forum will bring together leading experts in information technologies from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

The conference will address the following issues: analysis of the status and development problems of informatization and state system of scientific and technical information in the Republic of Belarus and abroad; development of new approaches to scientific and methodological support of informatization development, the development of information technology and information infrastructure in Belarus; the implementation of the development strategy of informatization in the Republic of Belarus for the years 2016 to 2022. Much attention will be paid to the design of automated systems of scientific and technical information, creation of corporate library and information systems and technologies.

The Second Exhibition of developments in intellectual information systems and technologies, which will showcase the latest achievements of academic institutes, universities and private sector in our country, will be open from 9.00. The exhibition is organized by the Interdepartmental Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.