National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre invites to public reports

As a part of the TUMOCS project of the research and innovation program of the European Union Horizon 2020 and under the Mari Sklodowska-Curie grant № 645660, the Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the NAS of Belarus invites to the public reports:
Dr. Robertas Grigalaitis, the Vilnius University, will make a report on microwave dielectric spectroscopy of ferroelecrics and related materials;
Dr. Maksim Ivanov, the Vilnius University, will make a report on dielectric response of the methylammonium lead halide solar cell absorbers.

The venue is the NASB Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre (Minsk, vul. P. Broŭki 19, a big conference hall).
The event will be held on 15 June 2017, at 11:00 a.m.