National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


100 years since the birth of the Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician Nikolai Alexandrovich Borisevich

September 21 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician Nikolai A. Borisevich – an outstanding scientist, a prominent statesman and public figure, a major organizer of Soviet and Belarusian science. The bright life of Nikolai Alexandrovich is an example of service to Science and to his Fatherland.

Nikolai A. Borisevich was born in the village of Luchny Most, Biarezinski district, Minsk region. In 1941, a talented young man from the "hinterland", who graduated from high school with honors, dreamed of university. But he had to stand up in arms to defend the Motherland. During the Great Patriotic War, he was an underground worker, an active participant in the partisan movement in the Minsk region, and ended the war in the ranks of the active army in Berlin. For his military services, he was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees, two Orders of the Red Star, the medal Partisan of the Patriotic War I degree and other medals.

In 1950, Nikolai Alexandrovich graduated from the BSU, and in 1953 he completed postgraduate studies at the Vavilov State Optical Institute in Leningrad. In 1954, after defending his PhD thesis, he returned to Minsk and became one of the organizers of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

Nikolai A. Borisevich's scientific and organizational, state and public activities were multifaceted. In May 1969, he was elected President of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR and worked in this position for 18 years. Over the years, the Academy has become one of the largest scientific centers.

Academician Borisevich's great contribution to science has been highly appreciated. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, awarded four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor, he was awarded the title Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus. Nikolai A. Borisevich created a well-known scientific school. He has trained more than 30 candidates of sciences, 12 of his students are doctors of sciences.

In memory of Nikolai A. Borisevich, a Memorial Cabinet was created at the Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, where he worked almost all his life. Every year, a competition of scientific works of young scientists for the Academician Nikolai A. Borisevich Prize is held with the presentation of the laureate's diploma and a commemorative sign. The memorial collection of the academician has been formed in the Museum of the History of Minsk. In August 2023, by the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee, one of the streets of the new residential district of Minsk Pawnochny Bierag was named after Academician Nikolai A. Borisevich.

On the day of the 100th anniversary of his birth, a flower-laying ceremony was held at the memorial plaque of Nikolai A. Borisevich on the building of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus. The Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics was held, dedicated to this date. An exhibition of books and works by Academician Borisevich has been organized in the central library of the NAS of Belarus. A special issue of the journal of applied spectroscopy was published, dedicated to the anniversary date, and a scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Physics.