National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Contest for best presentation of scientific achievements of 2016 in mass media announced

In order to create a holistic positive image of science, enhance its prestige, attract attention of the general public to the achievements of the Belarusian scientists, present relevant information about the developments carried out for social and economic development of the country, stimulate creative and professional activities of both journalists and amateurish popularizers of science, the National Academy of Sciences has announced a contest of the year 2016. Its winners will be awarded with diplomas and cash bonuses. The contest will be held in four nominations: the best publication, the best story (program) on radio and television, the best publication in popular scientific periodicals, the best presentation of the National Academy of Sciences achievements on the Internet. For each of the nominations three prizes are awarded. Nomination of candidates for the contest is carried out in the manner and within the period established by the Regulations of the contest for the best presentation of scientific achievements in the mass media.
The Regulations of the contest are available here (in Russian).