Academic Secretary
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Trukhanov Alexey Valentinovich
(017) 373-03-71
Deputy Academic Secretary
Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Georgievich LEVASHKEVICH
(017) 355-18-20
Scientific Secretary
Candidate of Chemical Sciences Ekaterina Frantsevna OSTROVSKAYA
(017) 378-18-24
Nezavisimosti ave., 66, 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Email address:
Fax: (017) 373-03-71
The Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences (in 1963–2003 – the Department of Chemical Sciences, the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, the Department of Chemical Sciences and Earth Sciences) was established in 1963, it performs and coordinates the research complex on priority scientific and scientific-technical directions in various fields of chemical and earth sciences.
The department includes: a state research and production association, 5 state scientific institutions, 2 state institutions, a republican production unitary enterprise, and a unitary enterprise.
There are 16 academicians and 17 corresponding members in the department, in the organizations assigned to the department there are at least 1000 people, including more than 500 researchers, 43 doctors and 177 candidates of science.