Sidorenko Alexander Yu. (b. 1985, Minsk), Head,Laboratory of Wood-Chemical Products, Institute of Chemistry of New Materials of NAS of Belarus, PhD in Chemistry (2016)
Forest chemistry, catalytic reactions of natural compounds, modification and physicochemical methods for the analysis of aluminosilicates, nanomaterials, preparation of physiologically active and fragrance compounds based on terpenoids, stereoselective catalysis.
Scientific works on the catalytic transformations of terpenoids. He developed a number of catalytic systems based on natural aluminosilicates for the reactions of isomerization, polymerization, disproportionation and condensation of terpenoids. He established the effect of acid and thermal modifications on the composition, structure and properties of layered aluminosilicates with different structures. He quantitatively characterized the influence of structural features of the catalysts, the nature, concentration and strength of the acid centers of their surface on the path of reactions of various terpenoids, determined the kinetic laws of the processes studied. First showed and explained the high efficiency of modified aluminosilicate nanotubes as stereoselective catalysts for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds.
The author of more than 80 scientific publications and 3 patents. He has creative connections with a range of leading scientific centers of Belarus and abroad.
Prize named after academician V.A. Koptyug for the series of works “new catalysts for the synthesis of chiral heterocyclic compounds with high pharmaceutical potential based on natural terpenoids” (2019, together with V.E. Agabekov and A.V. Kravtsova), TOP-10 results of the activities of scientists of the NAS of Belarus “for creating new generation nanocatalysts based on halloysite nanotubes for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with high biological activity ”(2018, together with V.E. Agabekov), award on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2018), Presidential Scholarship R republics of Belarus for talented young scientists (2015, 2021).