Dear colleagues! Dear friends!
On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, I congratulate the scientific community on the professional holiday - the Day of Belarusian Science!
The scientists’ contribution into the country’s development has an exceptional value. Belarusian researchers successfully work on projects of overarching priorities. Newest scientific achievements help Belarus solve many major tasks. Close cooperation of the academic, institutional and industrial science provides the results highly employable in industry, agriculture, healthcare, education and many other spheres of public development.
President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko remarked in his New Year speech: “…all of us, Belarusians, are people sharing the same fate. The fate that we create ourselves basing on cultural values of our ancestors, continuing traditions of our nation, working for the benefit of our Homeland”. This key message excellently reflects the common goal of the scientists’ activities. Thus, the Academy of Science traditionally forms TOP 10 most significant achievements of the global level in fundamental and applied research. According to the results of the year 2019, it comprises the best results in physics, chemistry of new materials, pharmacy, biophysics and cell engineering, climate change investigations, biology, history, new technologies of safety and foodstuff quality. All of these are the results of the future!
We can proudly state that the Academy completed the previous year with good achievements. We reached practically all social and economic results indicating the stable development. A lot of scientists were awarded with high state prizes and premiums of the NAS of Belarus. Today, the Academy has many megaprojects which can bring corresponding scientific fields to the world level of competitiveness. The Academy provides a scientific support for development of space industry, information technologies, biotechnical sector, construction of Belarusian nuclear power plant and other important economic segments. As a result, for example, our country joined the global elite of spacefaring nations, became a leader in the IT, medical and biotechnology area. The developments of the Belarusian scientists are already used not only in the space, but also on the sixth continent: creation of Belarusian Antarctic station is well underway.
International cooperation is actively developed. Contracts and agreements for cooperation with Academies of science and scientific centres of 90 countries of the world have been signed. The National Academy of Science of Belarus fulfills the functions of a basis academy of science in the organizational and methodical support of the International Association of the Academies of Sciences – IAAS.
The NAS of Belarus has become a powerful research and manufacturing complex having formed unique cluster structures that can implement bold scientific ideas into specific products. Production of technological wave V–VI was established, system projects ensuring development of sectors and kinds of activities conceptually new for our country are implemented. The scientists are directly aimed at implementation of the results of academic pursuits into practice. Besides, the Academy runs its own innovative manufacturing projects. Therefore, a completed chain has been formed – from ideas and fundamental research to developments, creation of experimental or trial production and sales of finished innovative products.
I am convinced that constant creative research activities carried out by our scientists will ensure achievement of target scientific results for the sake of prosperity of our Motherland.
I wish you, dear colleagues, new discoveries, actualization of audacious plans and sustainable progress.
I wish happiness, well-being and health for you and your families!
Vladimir GUSAKOV,
Chairman of the Presidium of NAS of Belarus, academician