On April 5, 2023, Academic Secretary of the Department of Humanities and Arts Alexander Kovalenya, Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Belarus Anatoly Lazarevich, Director of the Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Belarus Nikolay Myslivets visited the former employee of the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences Nadezhda Gerasimovna Krivosheyeva and congratulated her on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences on the outstanding anniversary – 100th anniversary of her birth!
The Academy of Sciences remembers, honors and highly appreciates the noble, conscientious and long-term work of Nadezhda Gerasimovna with deep gratitude and appreciation. In the warmest congratulatory words addressed to Nadezhda Gerasimovna, her integrity, friendliness, sensitivity, sincerity and responsiveness in relations with employees were highly appreciated.
We sincerely wish you, dear Nadezhda Gerasimovna, wellbeing, good health, happiness, joy and all the best!