As part of the visit of the delegation of Shandong Province of the People's Republic of China, headed by a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Head of the Organizational Department of the Communist Party of China of Shandong Province Wang Yuyan, on September 14, the ceremony of awarding the certificate of registration as a resident of the Great Stone China-Belarus industrial park of KitBai Research Institute of High-Tech Innovation Company took place. The investor is Shandong Research Institute of Photovoltaic Technologies and Equipment. The China-Belarus Research Institute of High-Tech Innovation will be an incubation center for scientific and technological innovation enterprises, created jointly by the Academy of Sciences of Shandong Province and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and also act as a platform for demonstrating scientific and technical achievements of Shandong Province. The main activities of the Institute are optical instrumentation, information technology, mathematics, physics, laser technology, etc.