Based on the results of the 2023 competition, the Bureau of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus decided to recognize the Top 10 results of the activity of scientists of the Academy of Sciences for 2023 in the field of fundamental and applied research.
1. The direct and reverse effect in the Schwinger process of the formation of electron-positron pairs in super-strong electric fields has been revealed (Institute of Physics named after B.I. Stepanov of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics)..
2. An amplifier-generator of laser diode pumping current pulses (AGCP, УФИТ) for radar sensors has been developed (Minsk Research Institute of Radiomaterials of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics)..
3. The technology of manufacturing superconducting high-frequency niobium resonators of electron and proton accelerators has been created (Physico-Technical Institute of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Physical and Technical Sciences)..
4. The synergism of new isothiazole derivatives in interaction with substances of "first-line" antitumor drugs providing enhanced cytotoxic action and increased effectiveness of cancer chemotherapy has been established (Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences)..
5. A methodology has been developed to increase the reliability of long-term hydrometeorological forecasts and to concretize of the probability of formation catastrophic floods on rivers(Institute for Environmental Management of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences)..
6. The population-genetic structure and nature of the settlement of ixodic ticks on the territory of Belarus have been established (Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Bioresources, Department of Biological Sciences)..
7. The synthesis of effective immunogenic original peptide blockers of influenza virus penetration into the cell has been developed as the basis of a new strategy in vaccine prophylaxis and antiviral therapy (Institute of Physiology of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Medical Sciences)..
8. Unique historical objects and artifacts of the archaeological complex on the Mienka River have been identified and investigated (Institute of History of the NAS of Belarus, Department of Humanities and Arts)..
9. A system for evaluating seed material has been created and on this basis the theory and practice of breeding high-yielding varieties of the initial winter triticale (Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Agriculture, Department of Agrarian Sciences)..
10. An electronic digital and software device for biometric identification of the premastitic condition of a dairy herd of cattle has been created (Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Agricultural Mechanization, Department of Agrarian Sciences)..
The competition Top 10 results of the activities of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the field of fundamental and applied research is held annually in order to reward the most outstanding achievements in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research, which are important for the development of established scientific schools or for the formation of science areas related to the implementation of priorities of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus, to the development of new technological processes, high-tech, competitive products. It is aimed at stimulating the competitiveness and creative activity of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
The results of scientific activity of scientists are submitted to the Top 10 competition if they meet the following criteria: the result is published in an edition with a high impact factor; the publication is included in international databases; the fundamentally new scientific information obtained is published for the first time in the form of a book edition (chapter in a monograph) and is important for the progress of the national and world science, will have a significant impact on the development of the country's economy, solving social, environmental and other problems; based on the research results, an object of new technology (method, technological process) has been created, corresponding to the world level in most technical parameters.