On September 25, 2024, the NAS of Belarus hosted the final meeting of the Subcommittee on State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology under the leadership of the Chairman of this Subcommittee Academician Aliaksandr Iĺjushchanka. Based on the results of the work, recommendations were adopted on awarding the State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology in 2024.
It was noted at the meeting that the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus is the highest recognition of the merits of figures of science and technology, literature, art and architecture to society and the state. It was emphasized that the State Prize in the field of science and technology is awarded to citizens of the Republic of Belarus for outstanding works, discoveries and scientific achievements, the results of which have significantly enriched domestic and world science and technology, had a significant impact on the development of scientific and technological progress and improving the efficiency of the economy, ensuring public health and environmental protection. The prizes are awarded by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
As Academician Aliaksandr Iĺjushchanka, Chairman of the Subcommittee on State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus, noted in his speech, at the 2nd stage of the competition in the period January – August 2024, a review of works was conducted taking into account their scientific and practical significance, the presence of a real socio-economic effect. The leading scientists of the country, cultural and artistic figures, and practitioners were involved as reviewers. A public discussion of all the works was organized in the leading scientific and production organizations of the Republic of Belarus.
At the meeting of the Subcommittee on September 25, the curators-reviewers of the works reported in detail on the results of the review and expert review of the works submitted for the State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology in 2024. The works were discussed and a secret ballot procedure was conducted to make recommendations on awarding prizes.
Since 2016, state prizes have been awarded once every four years. The composition of the Committee on State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus was formed in coordination with ministries and departments and includes 68 people. These are major managers, practitioners, outstanding scientists, masters of art, literature and architecture of the Republic of Belarus. Among them, 39 experts are included in the Subcommittee on State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology. Academician Uladzimir Gusakow is the Chairman of the Committee on State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus.
The Press Service of the NAS of Belarus