Institute of History hosts Republican Panel “Belarus-UN: together for 70 years”
On account of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Organization, one of the founding countries of which is Belarus, on August 27, 2015 the Centre of Geopolitics History of the NASB Institute of History, the History Department of Belarusian State Pedagogy University named after Maxim Tank in cooperation with the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus organized the Republican Panel “Belarus-UN: together for 70 years”.
The event involved the Academician-Secretary of NASB Department of the Humanities and Arts, Head of the Centre of Geopolitics History of the NASB Institute of History, Corresponding Member Alexander A. Kovalenya, experts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, UN Mission in Belarus, researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, international relations experts the leading Belarusian universities as well as representatives of a range of Belarusian state agencies engaged in implementing projects in the major areas of activities of the UN and its institutions.
Authors K.S. Razuvanova, K.M. Laikov