National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Yanka Kupala Institute of Literature Studies invites to discuss problems of Belarusian textual criticism

SSI “The Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research” branch “The Yanka Kupala Institute of Literature Studies” invites you to take part in the Republican scientific-practical conference "Modern Belarusian textual criticism: topical problems and prospects of development", which will take place on November 22-23, 2016. The problem field of the conference: topical problems of textual study; textual criticism and historical-literary process; the history of the text, attribution and dating, the creative will of the author, internal and external censorship, selection peculiarities of the main and definitive text, text, translation, commentary; the problems of preparation collections of works with scientific comments taking into account national features; textual features of authors and individual works; textual criticism in the context of philological sciences, and others.

Deadline for submission of participation: 10th November 2016.

Read more in the information letter.
