National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Chinese-Belarusian center for commercializing innovations opened in Minsk and agreement on creation Belarusian-Chinese Venture Fund signed

On December 28, 2016 a Chinese-Belarusian center for commercializing innovations was opened in Minsk and the agreement on creation Belarusian-Chinese Venture Fund was signed. Taking part in the ceremony were First Vice Chairman of the NASB Presidium Sergei Chizhik, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Shumilin, Chief Executive Officer of SZAO Industrial Park Development Company Hu Zheng, and Deputy Chairman on Economics Sui Baomin.

The main objective of the fund is to promote innovative development of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park "Great Stone" by venture financing of innovative projects implemented on its territory. The Fund's investment strategy is aimed at creating a portfolio of innovative projects, especially in the field of high technology, the development and the manufacture of innovative products and services.

“The Great Stone Park aims for high-tech manufacturing and innovations in the area of high technologies. We will work hard within the next 12 months to fill the infrastructure to be created in the Year of Science with projects,” Sergei Chizhik said.