Prospects for development of additive technologies to be discussed at Symposium in framework of Belarusian Industrial Forum
On 24 May, at 10:00 a.m., an International Scientific and Practical Symposium on perspectives of development of additive technologies in the Republic of Belarus will begin its work in the framework of the Belarusian Industrial Forum. The Symposium will be attended by representatives of the following organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:
the NASB Powder Metallurgy Institute
the A.V. Lykov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the NAS of Belarus and its Grodno branch "Research Center for Resource Saving Problems"
the NASB Physical-Engineering Institute
the State Scientific and Production Amalgation “Center”
the NASB V.A.Biely Metal-Polymer Research Institute
the NASB Researchers Training Institute
the NASB Institute of Applied Physics
the NASB Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
and other organizations from Belarus and Russia
The problems of materials science, 3d printing, etc. will be discussed at the Symposium.