Participants of the joint meeting will consider a number of important issues, in particular, those concearning the activities of the RAS and the NAS of Belarus, the participation of the institutes in the programs of the Union State, and the cooperation between the Academies. Particular attention will be paid to Russia and Belarus cooperation in the exploration of the Earth from space which aims at solving many fundamental and applied problems, the work of the Inter-Academy Council on the problems of the Union State development, and the mainstreaming of the plan of collaborative activities of the RAS and the NAS of Belarus for 2017-2020.
Zhores I. Alferov, RAS Vice-President, a Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a Nobel Prize winner, RAS Academician and a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, is supposed to address a video message to the joint meeting of the NASB and RAS Presidiums. At the meeting, Vladimir A. Labunov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, will be awarded the Diploma of a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.