National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Agrarian scientists hold press conference dedicated to issues of new agribusiness technologies and contribution of Belarusian scientists in development of agriculture

On August 10, 2017 a press conference dedicated to issues of new agribusiness technologies and contribution of Belarusian scientists in development of agriculture was held at the National Press-Centre of the Republic of Belarus. The event was attended by First Deputy General Director for Science of the Scientific and Practical Center on Animal Husbandry of the NAS of Belarus, the NASB Academician Ivan P. Shejko; Deputy General Director of the Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming of the NAS of Belarus Dmitry V. Luzhinsky and Deputy General Director for Science of the Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs Aleksandr A. Shepshelev. Representatives of the scientific and practical centers spoke about the latest scientific developments in agribusiness technologies and answered numerous questions of journalists.