The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus presented more than 80 new products and technologies at the exhibition. The exhibition of the NAS of Belarus consisted of 7 clusters related to the country's development priorities: IT-country: artificial intelligence technology, electronics, nanotechnology and additive technology, space and unmanned technology, chemical and biotechnology, medicine, industrial technology and new materials, humanities.
Scientists from 22 NASB organizations presented their latest developments. Many developments have no analogues not only in Belarus but also in the world. For example, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has presented a whole range of antitumor drugs of new generation produced by its own original knowledge-intensive technology. Own products have no analogues in a number of technological solutions, have high purity, with a decrease in its cost due to original synthesis technology. Scientists of this Institute demonstrated biologically active additive "Fitonol" having adaptogenic, tonic and immunostimulating effect on the basis of plant steroid. This drug has no analogues in the world.
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NAS of Belarus presented a number of developments in the field of IT-technologies and artificial intelligence technologies. Among them is an experimental sample of an office supercomputer with special software which is included in the NASB "Top 10" list in the field of fundamental and applied research in 2017. The scientists also showed an intelligent robotic system to improve the efficiency of the study of modern IT technologies. It is based on the ideology of open software and hardware, which includes three components: a scalable hardware platform (collaborative robot), software with elements of artificial intelligence and a system of technical vision, which makes it possible to solve a number of tasks without human participation.
In the exposition of the cluster "nanotechnology and additive technology" the A. V. Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer of the NAS of Belarus presented its latest development - domestic samples of specialized equipment for the manufacture of polymer and composite products, scientific instrument engineering assistance, planning operations, preparing implants.