National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


The second competition on marine and water technologies within EU project ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA announced

The ERA-NET Cofund project “Maritime and Marine Technologies for a New ERA” (2016-2021, involves 18 ministries and organizations (including the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) from 16 countries. Projects such as ERA-NET Cofund are aimed at coordinating the research programs of the EU countries and interested third countries, as well as at co-financing a project and its developments by the European Commission and the countries participating in it.

The second competition within ERA-NET Cofund Maritime and Marine Technologies for a New ERA was announced on 21 December 2018. It covers five key areas:

1. Environmentally friendly marine technologies;
2. Development of new materials and facilities;
3. Sensors, automation, monitoring and surveillance;
4. Modern production;
5. Security.

Organizations of the Republic of Belarus participating in national programs on the subject of the competition are invited to participate in it.

For the effective formation of international consortia, a project ideas exchange will be organized for participants to share their experience and develop a common platform for further work. The brokerage event will take place on 13 February 2019 in Lysaker, Norway (

Registration is possible on the websites of the brokerage event until 12 February 2019 (, where full information about the brokerage event for the MarTERA Call 2019 is available.

Contact person: Natalia Stepanovna Yankevich, national contact point "Transport" of the program "Horizon 2020", the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, tel.+375 17 294 92 65, email: .