National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


New Board of NASB Council of Young Scientists elected

A new Board of the Council of Young Scientists of the NAS of Belarus was elected at the general meeting and reporting conference of the Council of Young Scientists on 17 January 2019.

The event, which is held in such a format every three years, was attended by representatives of the Councils of Young Scientists of the Academy (one delegate from 25 young researchers), academicians, secretaries, and the leadership of the Academy of Sciences. All NASB departments held reporting meetings of the Council of Young Scientists before the general meeting.

The general meeting approved a report on the results of work of the NASB Council of Young Scientists in 2018. As a result of an open vote, Andrey Ivanets, Deputy Director for scientific work at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, was re-elected as a Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the NAS of Belarus.

Every year 300-350 young people join the ranks of the Academy of Sciences. “About 2 200 young specialists work in the organizations of the NAS of Belarus current. This is more than a quarter of the scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. After all, the Academy of Sciences employs only about 8 thousand researchers. And young people should be active. I must say that the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has shown its maturity and held many significant events. This is a serious organization that copes with responsible and important tasks. We have high hopes for young people. Youth and support of young scientists is a priority in the NASB activity,” said Vladimir Gusakov, Chairman of the NASB Presidium.

The NASB Council of Young Scientists held many events in 2018 including the First Science Festival, the Second Young Scientist School “Turnkey Scientist 2018", international scientific and practical conference "Youth in Science 2.0'18", the Fourth Student Tournament in chemistry, physics and biology, historical and cultural event “Following the trails ancestors”, etc.