Publisher: RUE "Publishing House «Belorusskaya nauka»", Minsk, Republic of Belarus
ISSN 1818-9830
Published since 1997
Issued 4 times a year in Belarusian and Russian. Summary in Russian and English
Chief Editor: S.V. Gaponenko, Director of the Executive Directorate of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Researches, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Targets and goals: The scientific-theoretical and informational-methodical journal "Bulletin of the Foundation for Fundamental Research" covers the activities of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, the experience of the activities of research funds in the near and far abroad. The journal publishes reviews and materials on the most important achievements, problems and history of domestic and world science, regulatory documents, as well as original articles reflecting new scientific results obtained with the financial support of the Foundation.
Editorial address:
Nezavisimosti ave. 66, room 101, 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Email address:
Phone: (017) 284-07-42, 284-25-08 Fax: (017) 284-07-42