Национальная академия наук Беларуси

База данных "НАН Беларуси в средствах массовой информации"

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Всего: 59553 документов. Показано: 2 за последние 30 дней.

Why do doctors need a smart electric scooter?   / Basikirskaya, Yelena /

The 29th International Medical Forum Healthcare of Belarus–2024 was held in Belarus’ capital at the end of April. An R&D and production organisation, Belarus’ National Academy of Sciences and Belarusian State Medical University have jointly come up with an unconventional capsule, with the dominance of centrifugal forces inside.

Источник: The Minsk Times,   17.05.2024
Рубрика: Мероприятия НАННаука и технологии
A cell can do everything   / Basikirskaya, Yelena /

Testing of interesting projects under the state programme Knowledge-Intensive Technologies and Engineering was completed at the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences.

Источник: The Minsk Times,   11.01.2024
Рубрика: Наука и технологии