National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Seven young scientists become laureates of the competition 100 Young Talents of the NAS of Belarus

The decision of the Bureau of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus approved the list of laureates of the annual competition 100 Young Talents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for 2023.

The laureates were: Anton Ananchikov, Head of the Sector of Electrohydraulic Control Systems of the United Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Cand. Sc. Technics, Associate Professor;

Artyom Bogdanov Zbignevich, Head of the Department of Field Forage Production of Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Agriculture, Cand. Sc. Agricultural Science;

Ilya Glazov, Researcher at the Laboratory of Photochemistry and Electrochemistry of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the NAS of Belarus, Cand. Sc. Chemistry;

Irina Kolesnik, Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds of the Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the NAS of Belarus, Cand. Sc. Chemistry;

Yekaterina Kulagova, Researcher at the Microbiological Research Laboratory of the Republican Control and Testing Complex for Food Quality and Safety of Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Food, Cand. Sc. Technics;

Grigory Rimsky, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Materials at the Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus for Materials Science, Cand. Sc. Physics and Mathematics;

Viktor Urban, Researcher at the Laboratory of Immunology and Virology of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Cand. Sc. Biology.

The annual competition 100 Young Talents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was established in 2018. The total number of young scientists who are simultaneously included in the database 100 Young Talents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus cannot exceed 100 people, and the annual number of laureates of the competition is no more than 20 people. Being in the database of candidates of sciences – until they reach the age of 35, doctors of sciences – up to 45 years.

Candidates of sciences under the age of 30 and doctors of sciences under the age of 40 working in organizations of the NAS of Belarus are allowed to participate in the competition. The laureates of the competition are included in the database 100 Young Talents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (with the issuance of an appropriate certificate) and in the reserve of leading personnel of the NAS of Belarus, receive an annual grant to participate in an international scientific, research and organizational or research and practice event (conferences, symposiums, scientific schools, short-term internships, etc.) and an annual premium of up to 7 basic rates during the period of entry into the data bank.

The purpose of the 100 Young Talents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus competition is to implement measures to attract and consolidate talented youth in the scientific, technical and innovative fields; create youth research groups and rejuvenate the staff of scientific organizations; ensure continuity between scientists of different generations.