National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Participation of NAS of Belarus in exhibitions event

In order to promote the creation and development of the innovation market, the search for new partners for the joint implementation of research projects, organizations subordinated to the Academy of Sciences participate in the National Expositions of the Republic of Belarus abroad, specialized exhibitions abroad and in the Republic of Belarus.

7-11 June 2022
Great Stone Industrial Park (Belarus)    website
# Organization name Exhibits
1 Optics, Optoelectronics and Laser Technology 18
2 B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics 41
3 Center of LED and Optoelectronic Technologies 12
Centre of Geophysical Monitoring 5
4 United Institute of Informatics Problems 20
Centre for Identification Systems and e-Business Operations 10
5 Geoinformation Systems 5
6 V.A. Belyi Metal Polymer Research Institute 18
7 Institute of Energetics 10
8 Institute of Housing and Communal Services 1
9 Instrument Manufacturing Plant Optron 10
10 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry 20
11 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry 16
Pilot Production of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry 6
Manufacturing Enterprise "Academpharm" 8
12 Institute of Nature Management 15
13 Polesie Agrarian Ecological Institute 10
14 Institute of Chemistry of New Materials 14
15 Scientific and Practical Centre for Bioresources 16
Institute of Forest 11
16 V.F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany 11
Central Botanical Garden 10
17 Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering 14
18 Institute of Genetics and Cytology 11
19 Institute of Microbiology 17
20 Bobruisk Plant of Biotechnologies 6
21 Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds 10
22 Institute of Physiology 11
23 Scientific and Practical Centre for Arable Farming 10
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry 8
Institute of Plant Protection 8
24 Institute of Land Reclamation 15
Institute of Flax 8
Polessian Institute of Plant Growing 10
Experimental Station on Sugar Beet 5
25 Scientific and Practical Centre for Animal Husbandry 11
26 S.N. Vyshelesski Institute of Experimental Veterinary 10
27 Fish Industry Institute 10
Experimental Station on Poultry Culture 0
28 Scientific and Practical Centre for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing 18
29 Institute of Fruit Growing 14
Tolochin tinned food factory 6
30 Scientific and Practical Centre for Agriculture Mechanization 12
Hot-Dip Galvanizing Plant "Konus" 2
31 Production Enterprise "Experimental Plant" 6
32 Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs 15
33 Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry 13
Beltechnohleb 0
34 NTP BelBiograd 0