Dear veterans, dear colleagues!
I congratulate you on the holiday sacred for all Belarusian people - the Victory Day - on behalf of the Presidium of NAS of Belarus and on my own behalf!
It is the 75th time that we enjoy peaceful spring and celebrate heroism of our people demonstrated during the wartime, their courage, bravery and unity in the struggle for freedom of our Motherland. Today, we should pay tribute to our fathers and grandfathers, and make sure that not only the current generation, but also those to come will remember brave feats of our compatriots and all defenders of the Homeland.
With every passing year, the days of the Great Patriotic War become more and more remote. But scientists do not lose their interest in them. Historians and archivers add previously unknown facts and documents and archeologists add new findings to the collection of historical data on the Great Patriotic War, which provides a new insight into the details of events of 1941-1945. Unfortunately, there are few people being the witnesses of the most dreadful tragedies of the previous century. For us, it is one of chances to hear their stories, collect their memories of the Great Patriotic War, enshrine them in books and electronic databases for future generations. And the All-Belarusian action “National Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: We Remember Everyone!” initiated by the NASB will contribute to it to a great extent.
The Soviet people: men-at-arms, homefront workers and scientist forged Victory for all. In the shortest time possible, they created new weapons, developed the military field medicine, and made every effort to help the country to win through and defeat the fascism. In the post-war period, achievements of the scientific field helped the Belarusian people to restore the Republic, to create powerful scientific and educational system, competitive industry and agriculture.
The modern world, unfortunately, poses new challenges to our society. Probably, it is why the Day of Great Victory takes a new meaning. It is the most outstanding example of unity of our people against the biggest calamity. It is a symbol of invincible will, strength of spirit, readiness for self-sacrifice and belief in the right things.
The Belarusians keep memory of the heroism of our ancestors. That is why we will never stop celebrating this holiday, whatever happens! We bow respectfully before those who died like heroes at battlefields. We worship those who could withstand at the fronts, who forged victory at the factories and fields, Today, we are obliged to reach everyone who survived the drama of 1941-1945: to support them, bestow our care and attention.
We bow low to you, dear veterans!
We wish you good health, long life and emotional warmth!
I sincerely wish you every felicity!
Congratulations of the Victory Day!
Vladimir Gusakov,
The Chairman of Presidium of NAS of Belarus