A famous Belarusian scientist, head of the stuff of the NAS of Belarus, academician Pyotr Vityaz celebrated his 85th anniversary.
Under his leadership and with his personal participation, more than 60 new technologies and materials were developed, according to which pilot and industrial production of products for agricultural engineering, automotive, machine tools and special equipment was mastered. He is the author of over 1000 scientific works, including over 200 inventions, over 40 monographs.
As the Chairman of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov noted at the ceremony, “The entire life Pyotr Alexandrovich is connected with serving the Belarusian science. He is an iconic figure not only for the Academy of Sciences, but for the entire country. Pyotr Alexandrovich always works for the results. He created a large scientific and industrial school. He has a large number of students. Pyotr Alexandrovich is a vivid example for young scientists and the pride of the Academy of Sciences”. In a solemn atmosphere, the Chairman of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov presented the hero of the day with the badge “Syarebrany medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” “Za dasyagnienni u navutsy”.
Why is the decision of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus, Pyotr Alexandrovich Vityaz was a word it honorary title “Full Cavalier of the Medals of the National Academy of Sciences”. He was presented with a distinctive sign and certificate.
The merits of Pyotr Alexandrovich are well known far beyond the borders of the country. Vityaz was also elected an academician of the NAS of Ukraine.