Dear colleagues! Dear friends! On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, I congratulate the scientific community on the Day of Belarusian Science.
The contribution of scientists to the development of the country is of decisive importance. Today, Belarusian science and its center — the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus — are an integral attribute of the state, providing expanded reproduction of new knowledge, advanced technologies and innovative development models. The interaction of academic, university and branch science gives results that are in demand in industry, agriculture, medicine, education, housing and communal services and other areas. A vivid confirmation of this is a wide list of works awarded with prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as those which became winners of the Top 10 achievements of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. These results cover the fields of microelectronics, applied chemistry and physics, humanities and medicine. The latter area is particularly important: it is thanks to doctors and their work and knowledge that the Belarusian society has passed the COVID-19 pandemic tests with minimal losses. It is no coincidence that a well-known epidemiologist, Corresponding Member Igor Karpov was named Scientist of the Year of the NAS of Belarus — 2022.
«I know very well that everything you do is not for the sake of rewards or material profit. Your professional and life path is chosen by your heart. Therefore, you, like no one else, deserve high recognition and deep respect of people,» President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko said during the presentation of the awards For Spiritual Revival, among the recipients of which was the staff of the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. And this is the highest assessment of the work of scientists.
The Academy of Sciences as a whole has successfully completed the past year. The main indicators of socio-economic development have been fulfilled. In 2022, we worthily celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Belarusian Academic Science and the Institute of Belarusian Culture, established that the Day of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will now be celebrated annually on October 13. We held the first exhibition-forum of the IT Academy Artificial Intelligence in Belarus, where more than 100 developments were presented, which showed various aspects of such a multidimensional concept as artificial intelligence. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has acquired its own University.
We organized an All-Belarusian competition dedicated to the Year of Historical Memory and summed up its results. The winners were more than 200 works in different genres. The best were awarded diplomas and gifts.
This year has been declared the Year of Peace and Creation by the Head of State. And here it is very important to remember the creative role of science as the driving force of society, its desire for peace, humanism and prosperity, which are embedded in many studies carried out by scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
We will continue to build: open new laboratories and research centers, strengthen scientific ties, achieve new results together with our partners from friendly countries, work on world-class priority projects. It is necessary to make every effort to implement the adopted union programs. Today, our country has high hopes for scientists. Scientists are expected to come up with new ideas, inventions, modern techniques and technologies that society needs.
This was confirmed by a major national exhibition of scientific achievements under the heading Intellectual Belarus, which was held for several days, from January 20 to 23, at the BelExpo exhibition center.
Much has been achieved. But more needs to be done.
I am sure that the consolidation of scientists will ensure the achievement of the high scientific results set for the prosperity of our country.
I wish you, dear colleagues, new discoveries, the implementation of bold plans and confident progress.
Happiness, well-being, health to you and your loved ones!