National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NAS of Belarus holds a traditional Native Nature Week

From May 20 to 24, 2024, scientific organizations of the Department of Biological Sciences of the NAS of Belarus will hold a Native Nature Week. Traditionally, the event is timed to celebrate the International Day of Biological Diversity (May 22)*. Scientific and Practical Center of the NAS of Belarus on Bioresources, the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V. F. Kuprevich of the NAS of Belarus, Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus and the Forest Institute (Gomel) have prepared a number of events (the program is attached).

On the eve of the Native Nature Week, a Living Stones of Antarctica photo exhibition was held on May 16–21, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Belarusian Geographical Society. A student scientific conference and the regional stage of the Bloom, My Forest junior competition were held in Gomel, where the scientific staff of the Institute acted as organizers and jury members to evaluate research papers prepared by students of schools and gymnasiums of the city of Gomel and the Gomel region. On May 17, the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V. F. Kuprevich of the NAS of Belarus held an action Clean Bank to restore order and improve the territory (Viliejski district, village of Kuchki, shore front of the Viliejski reservoir).я ДНУ «Інстытут эксперыментальнай батанікі імя В. Ф. Купрэвіча НАН Беларусі» правёў акцыю «Чысты бераг» па навядзенні парадку і добраўпарадкаванні тэрыторыі (Вілейскі раён, в. Купкі, прыбярэжная паласа Вілейскага вадасховішча).

*The International Day of Biological Diversity was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1995. Its purpose is to raise public awareness of the issues of preserving the ecological system, to draw public attention to the problem of the irrevocable disappearance of many flora and fauna representatives on Earth.

The program of the Native Nature Week 2023 can be found here.