National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Scientific community’s official meeting held dedicated to the NAS of Belarus Day

On October 11, 2024, an official meeting of the scientific community dedicated to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Day was held. Chairman of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus Uladzimir Gusakow made a report. In his speech, he recalled the outstanding scientists of Belarus who laid the foundation of modern scientific schools, dwelled on the main milestones of the formation and development of the Academy of Sciences, and set the tasks that academic science faces today.

The Minister of Education of the country Andrej Ivaniets, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission Alexander Guchok, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus Mikhail Miasnikovich congratulated the participants on the NAS of Belarus Day. The academic secretaries reported on the results of the work of the scientific organizations of their departments.

High awards from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus were presented at the meeting.

For many years of fruitful scientific and organizational activities, a significant contribution to the development of science, the medal For Merit to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was awarded to: Aliaksandr Mikhalievich, Chief Researcher, Principal Investigator of the Institute of Energetics of the NAS of Belarus, Doctor habilitatus in Technics, Professor, Academician and Vasiĺ Rubanik, Head of the laboratory of the Institute of Technical Acoustics of the NAS of Belarus, Doctor habilitatus in Technics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus.

For fruitful scientific and organizational activities, work on the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Belarus, coordination of the activities of the Council of Young Scientists of the NAS of Belarus, the memorial decoration In Honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Institute of Belarusian Culture was awarded to Stanislaw Juretski, Director of the Jakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NAS of Belarus, PhD in History.

The Certificate of Honour of the NAS of Belarus was presented to the head of the laboratory of the Scientific and Practical Centre of the NAS of Belarus on Agricultural Mechanization Jawgien Zhylich.

The Great Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was awarded to Aliaksandr Iĺjushchanka, Director General of State Scientific and Production Association of Powder Metallurgy – Director of the Institute of Powder Metallurgy named after academician O.V. Roman. The award was presented at a staff meeting on October 14, 2024.

The official meeting ended with a concert prepared by the creative teams of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Before the event, everyone could get acquainted with the exhibition of advanced domestic developments in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.

October 13 is the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Day. 96 years ago, on October 13, 1928, a resolution was adopted by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR on the reorganization of the Institute of Belarusian Culture into the Belarusian Academy of Sciences. And already on October 14, 1928, the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR was published in the central newspapers of Belarus. The famous Belarusian historian Usievalad Ignatowski was elected its first president in December 1928. The opening of the Academy of Sciences took place on January 1, 1929. Over the years, the academy changed its name – it was originally called the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, then the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR, later the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Since 1997 it has the status of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.