The Presidium of the NAS of Belarus summed up the results of the competition for prizes for young scientists of the NAS of Belarus in 2024. 12 young scientists became laureates.
In accordance with the Regulations on Prizes for young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, it was decided to award:
Academician Z.I. Alfioraw Prizes for Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2024:
to Jawgienija Zianowka, Junior Researcher at the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NAS of Belarus, Andrej Bakunovich, Junior Researcher at the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NAS of Belarus, Vitaĺ Khakhlow, Software Engineer at the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NAS of Belarus, – for the series of works ‘Development of a common interactive ‘Artificial Intelligence Platform BELAI.BY’ and the ‘Voice AI Assistant’ platform with question and answer systems that you can talk to in voice and text’;
to Mikhail Kavaĺko, Deputy Head of the Department of the Physico-Technical Institute of the NAS of Belarus, PhD in Technics, – for the series of works ‘Iron-carbon alloys with an austferrite and austferrite-carbide matrix structure for products combining high strength, viscosity and wear resistance’;
Academician V.F. Kuprevich Prizes for Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2024:
to Ganna-Maryja Jerafiejeva, Researcher at the Institute of Physiology of the NAS of Belarus, – for the series of works ‘The involvement of cannabinoid receptors in the analgesic and protective effects of mesenchymal stem cells in neuropathic pain’;
to Palina Labanowskaja, researcher at the Scientific and Practical Centre of the NAS of Belarus on Bioresources, Arsienij Valnisty, researcher at the Scientific and Practical Centre of the NAS of Belarus on Bioresources, Uladzislaw Molchan, researcher at the Scientific and Practical Centre of the NAS of Belarus on Bioresources, – for the series of works ‘Assessment of population gene pools and monitoring of parasitic threats in wild animals of Belarus’;
to Aliaksandr Sharenka, Head of the sector of the Institute of System Studies in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the NAS of Belarus, – for the series of works ‘Improving the mechanisms for stimulating the development of the regional economy of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus’;
to Katsiaryna Shmyga, Head of the joint Belarusian-Chinese laboratory of the State Scientific and Production Association Chemical Synthesis and Biotechnology, – for the series of works ‘Biochemical, genetic and technological foundations for creating a complex microbial preparation to increase the productivity of grain crops’;
Academician U.M. Ignatowski Prizes for Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2024:
to Dzmitry Krent, researcher at the Jakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, – for the series of works ‘The History of Academic Science in Belarus in the 20th Century’;
to Aliaksandra Nichyparovich, researcher at the Centre for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the NAS of Belarus, PhD in Art History, – for the series of works ‘Modern Architecture in the Historical Environment of Cities of Belarus in the Context of Global Design Practice Trends’.
The Prizes for young scientists of the NAS of Belarus were established in 2019 in order to support and encourage talented young scientists working in organizations of the NAS of Belarus, to stimulate their creative initiatives, to strengthen human resources, to perpetuate the memory of outstanding Belarusian scientists and to popularize knowledge about the history of Belarusian science.
The prize system for young scientists includes three personalized prizes:
the academician Z.I. Alferov Prize – in the field of physics, mathematics, informatics, physico-technical, and technical sciences (the number of prizes awarded is 2);
the academician V.F. Kuprevich Prize in biology, chemistry and Earth sciences, medicine, and agricultural sciences (the number of prizes awarded is 4);
the academician V.M. Ignatovsky Prize in the field of humanities and social sciences (the number of prizes awarded is 2).
In total, according to the Regulations, 8 prizes are awarded in the amount of 15 base rates each.