National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NAS of Belarus awards the 2024 Prizes

The Presidium of the NAS of Belarus summed up the results of the competition for the prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2024. It was decided to award eight prizes of the NAS of Belarus.

The 2024 Prizes of the NAS of Belarus have been awarded:

in the field of physico-mathematical sciences – to Anatoĺ Ivanavich Bielavus, Corresponding Member, Doctor habilitaus in Technics, Professor, Vitaĺ Aliaksandravich Saladukha, Head of the centre of the State Research and Production Association Optics, Optoelectronics and Laser Technology, Doctor habilitaus in Technics, – for a series of monographs designed to train scientific and engineering personnel in areas of microelectronics and its applications;

in the field of information technology – to Aliaxander Mikhajlavich Andryjanaw, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor habilitatus in Chemistry, Professor, Aliaksandr Vasiljevich Tuzikaw, Head of the laboratory of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Corresponding Member, Doctor habilitatus in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Kanstantsin Viktaravich Furs, Junior Researcher at the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, – for the series of works ‘Application of artificial intelligence technologies and molecular modeling for the development of new potential drugs against COVID-19’;

in the field of physico-technical and technical sciences – to Jawgien Aliaksandravich Pitsukha, Head of the laboratory of the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer named after A.V. Lykov of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor habilitatus in Technics, Jury Siamionavich Tsiaplitski, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer named after A.V. Lykov of the National Academy of Sciences Sciences of Belarus, Doctor habilitatus in Technics, Eduard Kazimiravich Buchylka, researcher at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer named after A.V. Lykov of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, – for the series of works ‘Development and implementation of a new highly efficient technology of three-stage cyclone-layer combustion of solid biofuels’;

in the field of chemical sciences and Earth sciences – to Uladzimir Janokavich Agabiekaw, Head of the Department of the Institute of Chemistry of New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor habilitatus in Chemistry, Professor, Igar Eduardavich Adziarykha, Professor of the department of the Belarusian State Medical University, Doctor habilitatus in Medicine, Professor, Tatstsiana Ernstawna Uladzimirskaja, a leading researcher at the Belarusian State Medical University, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, – for the series of works ‘New liposomal forms of targeted delivery systems for thrombolytic drugs: creation, properties and application’;

in the field of biological sciences – Mikhail Jafimavich Nikifaraw, Head of the laboratory of the Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Bioresources, Academician, Doctor habilitatus in Biology, Professor, Ina Stanislavawna Jurchanka, Senior Researcher at the Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Bioresources, – for the series of works ‘Wildlife in the Chernobyl accident area: assessment of the condition, parasitic threats and radiation-induced risks’;

in the field of medical sciences – to Mikhail Aliaksandravich Gierasimienka, Director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Corresponding Member, Doctor habilitatus in Medicine, Professor, Alieg Anatoljevish Sakalowski, Head of the laboratory of the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Doctor habilitatus in Medicine, Professor, Viktar Siargiejevich Anosaw, Chief physician of the 6th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor, – for the series of works ‘Diagnostics of walking disorders and modern organ-preserving technologies for the treatment of lower limb deformities in children and young patients’;

in the field of humanities and social sciences – to Paviel Aliaksandravich Vadapjanaw, Professor of the department of the Belarusian State Technological University, Corresponding Member, Doctor habilitatus in Philosophy, Professor, – for the monograph ‘At the turning point of epochs: choosing a strategy for creating the future’, published in 2023;

in the field of agricultural sciences – to Eroma Piatrovich Urban, First Deputy Director General for Scientific Work of the Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Agriculture, Corresponding Member, Doctor habilitatus in Agriculture, Professor, Aliaksandr Aliaxandravich Zubkovich, Head of the Department of the Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Agriculture, PhD in Agriculture, – for scientific work ‘Development of breeding methods, creation of a system of rye and barley varieties and hybrids – a strategic factor of import substitution and ensuring food security of the Republic of Belarus’.

Diplomas will be awarded to the laureates as part of the celebration of the Belarusian Science Day in January 2025.

The Prizes of the NAS of Belarus were established in 1995 to support domestic scientists whose scientific work has been recognized in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, had a significant impact on the implementation of government programs, contributed to the development of innovation, improving the efficiency of the country's economy, ensuring food security and solving environmental and public health problems, as well as to stimulate creative activity and professional growth of scientists.

Since 2017, competitions for prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have been held annually. According to the Regulations on Prizes, 8 prizes are awarded in the amount of 35 base rates each: in the field of physico-mathematical sciences, in the field of information technology, in the field of physico-technical and technical sciences, in the field of chemical sciences and Earth sciences, in the field of biological sciences, in the field of medical sciences, in the field of humanities and social sciences, in the field of agricultural sciences.
