On September 14-18, 2015 NAS of Belarus to host International Scientific Conference “Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Their Application” (DIMA - 2015)
The International Scientific Conference “Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Their Application” will take place at NAS of Belarus on September 14-18, 2015. The conference commemorates the 100th anniversary of Academician Dmitry Suprunenko’s birth.
The subject matter of the Conference covers the following fields: algebra and algebraic geometry: the structure of algebraic groups and ordinary algebra; permutation groups; linear groups and views, discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics: theory of graphs; combinatorial analysis and algebraic combinatorics; algorithms, data structures and computational complexity; application of discrete mathematics in computer science, operations research, algebra, topology, and the theory of probability.
The Conference is organized by NASB Institute of Mathematics and Belarusian State University. The event will involve speakers from Russia, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland.