National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB is holding an open tender for scientific and technological projects of tasks of branch scientific and technical programs aimed at the implementation of new competitive products and technologies in the years 2016–2020

In accordance with the Regulations on the development and implementation of scientific and technical programs, approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus "On approval of regulations on the development and implementation of scientific and technical programs and repeal of certain decisions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and some of their provisions" of August 31, 2005 № 961, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is holding an open tender for scientific and technological projects of tasks of branch scientific and technical programs aimed at the implementation of new competitive products and technologies in the years 2016–2020,

The branch scientific and technical program «Baby food. Quality and safety» in the years 2016-2020

The program aims to carry out a complex of research projects on the development of activities, new foodstuffs and technologies that promote providing children with safe and high quality articles of food.
State customer of the program – the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.
Chief executive organization on the program – RUE “The Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs”
220037, Minsk, Kozlova str., 29, fax: 8(017) 285-39-71, E-mail:

The branch scientific and technical program «Introduction, Landscaping, Environmental Safety» in the years 2016-2020

The program is aimed at developing environmentally safe and cost-effective technologies and methods of introducing new plants in agriculture, forestry, green construction and ornamental gardening, as well as measures to ensure the stability and functioning of green space in a high anthropogenic load, widening the range of floral products and increasing its competitiveness, preventing adverse effects and minimizing the damage caused by invasive alien species of plants, animals and micro-organisms.

State customer of the program – the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.
Chief executive organization on the program – the State Scientific Institution «The Central Botanic Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
220012, Minsk, Surganova str., 2в, fax: 284-14-84, E-mail:

Proposals should be sent to the chief executive organizations on the programs until February 15, 2016. Materials are to be sent only in the prescribed form obtainable from the chief executive organizations on the programs. Projects must be submitted in four copies separately stitched. Materials sent for the tender will not be returned.
Projects of tasks that go through a competitive selection and preliminary examination will be directed by the state customer of the program to the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus for state scientific and technical expertise.
