The event was attended by Deputy Director General for Scientific Work of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Research and Practical Centre for Arable Farming" of the NAS of Belarus Dmitry Luzhinsky, Deputy Director General for Scientific Work of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Scientific and Practical Center for Potato, Vegetable and Fruit Growing" of the NAS of Belarus Vadim Makhanko and Deputy Director General of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Scientific and Practical Center for Agriculture Mechanization" of the NAS of Belarus Dmitry Komlach.
As Dmitry Luzhinsky told journalists, winter crops had wintered without loss almost all over Belarus, and it was one of the best years in the last five-year period on wintering conditions.
Dmitry Komlach told the media that readiness of agricultural machinery for the spring sowing campaign in Belarus was about 90% and the sowing campaign had already started in some regions.
Vadim Makhanko told about negotiations between Belarus and Sakhalin on supplies of 300 tons of seed potatoes. Besides, he told that Belarus had returned with its seed potatoes to Georgia after 25 year break.