National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB organizations are actively involved in Belarusian Industrial Forum 2016

On May 3-6, 2016 Belarusian Industrial Forum hosts in Minsk. The forum was attended by leading representatives of all sectors of domestic and foreign industry, including a number of NASB organizations. Belarusian Industrial Forum is a large-scale international exhibition project, which promotes innovative activity of organizations of all forms of ownership, strengthening relations between science and production, commercialization of the results. The NASB organizations had become as co-organizers of several scientific and practical activities of the Forum: the breakout session "Welding and Related Technologies"; the 13th international contest of energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies and equipment etc.

The Scientific and Practical Materials Research Center of the NAS of Belarus exhibits new composite magnetic material and products on its basis which allows replacing the laminated electromagnetic steel for high frequency applications in such products as transformers, chokes, valve modern high-speed electric motors and generators. The Institute of Applied Physics of the NAS of Belarus presents instruments for determining the physical and mechanical properties of building materials intended for non-destructive determination of the strength and hardness of asphalt, concrete and other building materials.

The Forum will complete its work on the 6 of May.

Photo by M. Guliakevich, "Навука"
