National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Victory Day greetings from Chairman of NASB Presidium Vladimir G. Gusakov

Dear veterans, dear colleagues!

On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and myself I congratulate you on the sacred holiday for the Belarusian people — Victory Day! In May of 1945 the first volleys in honor of the defeat of fascism and end of the Great Patriotic War have sounded. Since then the Great Victory is considered to be the most precious and bright holiday in which joy and sorrow came together, because the war took someone almost from every Belarusian family.

Gratitude and admiration for the feat of front-line veterans, home front workers and all those who have raised the ruined country from the ruins and ashes does not dry out in our hearts. On this day we remember with gratitude the Belarusian defenders of different generations, honoring people who have devoted their lives to serving the Motherland.

Special thanks we address to the veterans-scientists, who did everything in their power for Belarus to overcome the consequences of the terrible war and created a powerful scientific and educational spheres, competitive industry and agriculture.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. This date is another reminder to the living generations about what a big tragedy for the whole world Nazism is, what a terrible price mankind can pay for a new global war and armed conflicts. The greatest achievement of the Belarusian people is peace and tranquility in our native land. Victory Day is courage and strength, immeasurable love for Motherland, to the people who are nearby and just a desire to live freely in a peaceful country.

Today only our veterans can tell us about those tragic days and battles. Let good health and care of loved ones will be the main reward for them now. The biggest gratitude on Victory Day is to the veterans. They gave us life, saved all the people.

Dear veterans! You have done a lot for the moral hardening of a new generation by your wisdom, steadfastness and conviction; for many years you have been an excellent example for young people who decided to devote their life to science. They will have to continue and develop the glorious traditions of the older generations, to preserve cultural heritage, to achieve further economic progress and prosperity of the country.

Happy Victory Day! Rejoice in the peaceful sky and take care of it. Appreciate life and live the way that every passing day was gratitude for the feat of our fathers and grandfathers. A low bow to you, dear veterans! Good health, long life and warmth!

On this remarkable day I sincerely wish you happiness, prosperity and success! Let the Great Victory and the memory of it always inspire us to get new peaceful achievements! Happy holiday, dear veterans and colleagues!

Vladimir Gusakov,
The Chairman of the NASB Presidium