National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Meeting with participants of the 8th Belarusian Antarctic expedition takes place in NAS of Belarus

On June 10, 2016 Chairman of the NASB Presidium Vladimir Gusakov and scientific community officially welcomed participants of the eighth Belarusian Antarctic expedition.

Vladimir Gusakov praised the work of the expedition: "Today following a long-standing tradition we are welcome and thank our fellow - explorers. The expedition returned, all alive and well. All collected materials collected will be submitted to a special commission. I think that will be enough work for a year — until the next expedition," said the Chairman of the Presidium. The expedition leader Alexey Gaidashov noted that "this season, experts conducted a planned complex of works on installation and commissioning of the Belarusian Antarctic station. In particular, in a short time in difficult climatic conditions the expedition built the first three sections specialized module on Gora Vechernaya in East Antarctica."

The audience was presented the film, assembled from unique pictures from the archive of the Belarusian polar explorers, telling about the construction of the station in Antarctica, about the life and work of the Belarusian expedition.

The National Academy of Sciences has already prepared a draft of a new state program "Monitoring of the Earth's polar regions, the creation of the Belarusian Antarctic station and maintenance of the polar expeditions 2016-2020", which includes in particular the extension of existing modules for equipment year-round presence on the Belarusian Antarctic station. The expedition leader Alexey Gaidashov gifted to the NASB a commemorative gift — a penguin egg and handed the NASB flag which was on the Belarusian Antarctic station as gift to the Museum of History of the NAS of Belarus.
