National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


International scientific conference "Molecular, membrane and cellular bases of functioning of biological systems" and XII Congress of Belarusian public association of photobiologists and biophysicists to take place on 28-30 June 2016

On June 28-30, 2016 the International scientific conference "Molecular, membrane and cellular bases of functioning of biological systems" and the XII Congress of Belarusian public association of photobiologists and biophysicists will be held. The organizers of the conference are Belarusian State University and the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

A round table on "Phycology in the Republic of Belarus: challenges, achievements and prospects" will be held in the framework of the conference. The conference will discuss fundamental and applied aspects of priority directions of scientific research in the field of biophysics, cell engineering, medical and molecular biophysics, nanobiotechnology and biophysical problems of modern education.

The conference will be attended by over two hundred scientists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Germany, Armenia, Spain, Italy, France, USA and India, representing 102 scientific institutions and organizations.

Work of the section "Membrane and cellular biophysics" will be dedicated to the memory of academician of the NAS of Belarus, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergei V. Konev (1931-2005) to the 85-th anniversary.

Following the conference will be held "round table" where the main challenges and tendencies of the development of modern biophysics will be discussed. The conference will take place from 28 to 30 June 2016 to the address: Minsk, Ulyanovskaya Str., 8 (the building of the Lyceum of BSU).

The program can be found here.
