National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB SSPA for Bioresources is involved in development of database "Peatlands of Belarus"

To inform a wide range of people with the spread of peatlands in Belarus, with their inherent diverse and unique flora and fauna, as well as to show applied integrated approaches to conservation and management of wetlands of Belarus taking into account the principle of multipurpose landscape planning work on to create a database "Peatlands of Belarus" is going on. Database creation is carried out in the framework of the UNDP/GEF Project "Management of peatlands based on landscape approaches to obtain multilateral environmental benefits" ("Peatlands-2"). Project UNDP/GEF "Peatlands-2" is being implemented by UNDP and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project partners are the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and others. NASB SSPA for Bioresources carries out scientific support of the state environmental policy in the field of conservation and sustainable use of flora and fauna, natural communities and ecosystems, scientific and technical support for the conservation and use of biodiversity and biological resources as a national heritage of the Republic of Belarus.

The project website will be accessible at the link
