National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


The press conference "The study of subsoil and development of the mineral resource base: identification of new mineral deposits" took place

On July 19, 2016 at the Press Center of the Press House the press conference "The study of subsoil and development of the mineral resource base: identification of new mineral deposits" took place.

Representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Institute NIISM as well as of the Institute for Nature Management of the NASB told in detail about the dynamics of mining in our country. They listed main types of mineral resources, described proven and promising fields. The need to strengthen cooperation with their Russian counterparts in the framework of the Union State was underlined. Personnel and financing problems were touched too. Scholars and practitioners agreed, that today it is worth paying more attention to the already known sources of minerals. After all, there still are unexplored horizons and the problem of more advanced processing of mineral raw materials is actual.
