National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Republic DNA Bank designated a national treasure

The unique scientific object National DNA Bank of Human, Animals, Plants and Microorganisms declared a national treasure. It is stipulated by the resolution of Council of Ministers № 629 dated August 13, 2016. Responsibility for maintaining and ensuring the proper functioning of the object is assigned to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, on behalf of which the relevant function will be performed by the State Scientific Institution "The Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus." The Institute is a leading research center in Belarus in the field of biotechnology, genetics and genomics of human, animals, plants and microorganisms. During the implementation of the various programs the Institute has accumulated DNA samples from human, animals, plants and microorganisms, and biological tissues which are the original biological material from which the DNA sample was obtained. The samples are grouped into specialized collections that are valuable genetic resources.

As of June 1 Republican DNA Bank has 9 608 samples and includes four sections: Human DNA Bank; Animals DNA Bank; Plant DNA Bank; Microorganisms DNA Bank. Each section is represented by a collection of DNA samples for long term storage and collection of DNA samples for scientific purposes.