Members of the expedition which took place on August 3–12, 2016 were Director of the Yakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics of the Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research, Cand. Phil. Sc. Ihar L. Kapylou, Head of the Department of Dialectology and Lingvogeography, Cand. Phil. Sc. Veranika Kurtsova (Project Manager in Belarus), Senior Researcher of the Department of Dialectology and Lingvogeography, Cand. Phil. Sc. Natallia Snihirova, Junior Researcher of the Department of Dialectology and Lingvogeography, Master of Philology Yuliya Hvilanchuk. The Polish side in the working group was presented by a well-known Polish researcher of Belarusian folk dialects, Adjunct of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology Miroslav Yankovyak.
During the field research unique Belarusian-speaking material, as well as other valuable linguistic, sociolinguistic and ethnocultural information were collected by the scientists. The records made at the time of the expedition are both valuable linguistic material for researchers and live sound "witness" of the Belarusian dialects status outside Belarus at the beginning of the XXI century. These records will be included in the National Sound Dialect Fund of the Belarusian language.