Dear friends!
I warmly congratulate my colleagues, the scientists of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, my friends in Belarus on the Day of Science! I congratulate you on the fact that the President of Belarus Alexander G. Lukashenko has declared 2017 the Year of Science. Science in Belarus began to develop somewhere in the 20s of the last century. Birthday of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences is considered to be on 1 January 1929. Close cooperation with scientists of the Russian Federation, in particular, with Leningrad scientists played a huge role in the development of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and science in Belarus. Leningrad physicists B. Stepanov and A. Sevchenko were the organizers of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, and contributed to the development of physical education at the Belarusian State University. Today Physics in Belarus is at a good international level. Cooperation of St. Petersburg and Belarusian physicists is now successfully developing. At this very difficult time the Academy of Sciences and Belarusian scientists play a crucial role in the development of our country – my native Belarus. It happened so that there is no oil and gas in Belarus, but there are wonderful hardworking people. And Belarusian scientists, institutions of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences are doing everything to preserve and develop the country's economy. It's safe to say that science in Belarus is demanded in economy and society. And the fact that 2017 has been declared the Year of Science in Belarus is a natural and very good decision. I heartily congratulate all of my friends at the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and all over Belarus! I wish them success in development and preservation of our great Republic and our creative interaction!
Happy Day of Science, my dear Belarusians!