National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Issues of food quality and safety to be discussed at NAS of Belarus

On March 2, at 2.00 p.m., a meeting of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council on Nutrition under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will be held at the NASB Presidium (Minsk, pr. Niezaliežnasci, 66, room 216).

The problem of monitoring quality and safety indicators of food, produced in accordance with technical regulations and national standards, will be considered in the report by Irina M. Pochitskaya, Head of the Republican Control and Testing System for Food Quality and Safety of the NASB Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs, Candidate of Agriculture. Monitoring quality and safety indicators of child nutrition will also be discussed at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Council. Besides, development of a document concerning basic strategies on enhancing food quality and safety in the country will be examined.

The meeting will be attended by members of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council on Nutrition under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, well known scientists, representatives of national ministries and departments.
